Bro. Tillman attends the Ohio District Conference

Bro. Tillman attended the Ohio District Conferece held at the Wyndam Hotel in Cleveland, OH. The conference was held from October 27 - 29, 2006. Bro. Tillman and the Alpha Investment team congratulates Bro. Thomas Tatum, District Director (first picture), Bro. Kevin Breckenridge, Asst. District Director, and the brothers of Ohio for their hospitality.
(second picture) October 28th was also the birthday of Bro. Chad Simmons, Illinois District Director. Bro. Tillman and Bro. Simmons had an opportunity to celebrate during the conference.
Congratulations to the Ohio District Competion Winners
College Brother of the Year: Bro. Terris Brooks - Delta Xi - Central State University
Alumni Brother of the Year: Bro. Thomas A. Tatum - Eta Tau Lambda
College Chapter of the Year: Delta Upsilon - Miami University
Oratorical Contest: Bro. Emmanuel Brown - Omicron Xi
Miss Black & Gold: Miss Amaris Brady - Delta Upsilon - Miami University
Step Show: Delta Xi - Central State University
Ohio District Director: Elect - Bro. Mataryun "Mo" Wright - Alpha Rho Lambda
Ohio Asst. District Director: Elect Bro. Marcus Butler - Epsilon Alpha - University of Toledo