Bro. Tillman visits with the brothers of Kansas City, MO

Also in attendance at the meeting were our 32nd General President, Bro. Darryl R. Matthews, Sr. , the Executive Director, Bro. Willard Hall, the Missouri District Director, Bro. Jonathan F. Smith, the immediate past Midwestern Regional Asst. Vice President, Bro. Christopher Rembert, and the North Carolina District Director and National Project Alpha chairman, Bro. Craig Reed.
We thank Bro. Terence Goree, president of Beta Lambda and the brothers of Beta Lambda, Delta Rho, Omicron Xi Lambda and all who attended for the opportunity for Bro. Tillman to communicate his vision. A special thanks also goes to Bro. Avery Cannon who provided the travel accomodations for Bro. Tillman.
(first and second pictures) Bro. Tillman addresses the brothers in attendance.
(third picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Terence Goree, left, and Bro. James Cook, right, president of Omicron Xi Lambda.
(fourth picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Avery Cannon.
(fifth picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Oseloka Al Okagbue of Delta Rho, left, and Bro. Hargest Shumate.
(sixth picture; l to r) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Robert Short, Bro. Shumate, Bro. Dan White, and Bro. Edwin Byrd. Collectively, these brothers represent 215 years of Alpha tenure.
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