Bro. Tillman visits with Mu Delta Lambda Chapter (Springfield, IL)

Bro. Tillman addressed the brothers of Mu Delta Lambda chapter (Springfield, IL) on October 6, 2006. We thank Bro. Marc Bell, president, and Mu Delta Lambda for the opportunity for Bro. Tillman to communicate his vision. After the meeting, the brothers relaxed over dinner.
(first picture; l to r) Bro. Tillman pictured with Bro. Marc Bell and Bro. Ted Curtis who was kind enough to host the meeting at his home.
(second picture; l to r) Brothers Ed Pruitt, Lou Webster, Marc Bell, Nicklaus Shoultz, and Tyrone Curtis listen attentively to Bro. Tillman.
(third picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Marc Bell.
(fourth picture) Bro. Tillman with Mu Delta Lambda chapter.
(fifth picture; l to r) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Lou Webster and Bro. Purnell Borders.
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