Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Relaxing Break

During the journey, Bro. Darryle "D.J." Todd asked Bro. Tillman what he did for fun. Bro. Tillman loves the outdoors and he and Bro. Darrell Joyce took the opportunity to enjoy the Upper Peninsula of northern Michigan.

Bro. Tillman and Bro. Joyce camped (outside and in a tent) at Andrus Lake State Forest in Paradise, MI (first picture). From there they took in the sites at Whitefish Point over looking Lake Superior (third picture) and the Tahquamenon Falls (fourth picture). This was a chance to relax and recharge the batteries.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Alpha Xi Lambda Chapter (Toledo, OH) Endorses Bro. Tillman

On September 21, 2006, Bro. Tillman received an endorsement from Alpha Xi Lambda chapter seated in Toledo, OH. Bro. Joe Conley, president, provided Bro. Tillman with an official Letter of Endorsement (click here to view). We thank the brothers of Alpha Xi Lambda for making an "investment" in Bro. Tillman.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Bro. Tillman visits Iota Delta Lambda Chapter (Chicago, IL)

Bro. Tillman shared his vision with Iota Delta Lambda chapter (Chicago, IL) and members of Omicron Xi (Roosevelt University), at an annual chapter retreat in Union Pier, MI. The chapter retreat, overlooking beautiful Lake Michigan (first picture), is designed for brothers to enjoy each other while preparing for the business of the new year. Bro. Tillman also stayed overnight with a few brothers and their kids at the lakeside cottage where there was fellowship and a "midnight" walk to the beach of Lake Michigan.

Bro. Tillman thanks Iota Delta Lambda and Omicron Xi for the opportunity to address the brothers.

(second picture) Bro. Marcus Payne, past Illinois District Director, installs the chapter officers for the new fiscal year. Congratulations to Bro. Brian Stanley, New Brother of the Year award recipent (third picture) and Bro. Theo Whittier, Brother of the Year recipient. (fourth picture).

( fifth picture) Bro. Tillman pictured with Bro. Jerald Knox, president, as they prepared to leave the retreat.

Mu Mu Lambda Chapter (Glen Ellyn, IL) Endorses Bro. Tillman

At their June 2006 meeting, Mu Mu Lambda chapter (Glen Ellyn, IL) passed a motion to endorse Bro. Tillman. On September 16, 2006, Bro. Tillman attended Mu Mu Lambda chapter meeting to personally give his thanks for the endorsement and updated the chapter on his platform and travels. Mu Mu Lambda provided Bro. Tillman with an official Letter of Endorsement (click here to view) and a contribution.

(first picture) Bro. Tillman pictured with Bro. Eddie Reynolds, vice-president (far left), receives a Letter of Endorsement from Bro. Undray Wilks, president, and a contribution from the chapter from Bro. Louis Fields, treasurer.

(second picture) Bro. Tillman with Mu Mu Lambda Chapter. Also pictured are brothers from Pi Sigma (Aurora University).

(third picture) Bro. Tillman pictured with Bro. Herman Johnson. Bro. Johnson and his wife, Elanie, open their home to Bro. Tillman during his visit which was must appreciated.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Bro. Tillman visits with the brothers of Columbus, Ohio

Bro. Tillman attended a full day of activities with the brothers of Alpha Rho Lambda (Columbus, OH) and Omicron Rho (Otterbein College) chapters on September 9, 2006.

The day started early with the UNCF Walk-A-Thon. Later in the day, Bro. Tillman and Bro. Chad Simmons addressed the brothers of Alpha Rho Lambda in a candidate's forum. Following the meeting, there was a Health Basic Training for Men seminar for men sponsored by The Ohio State University, Bell Resource Center and the day concluded with the brothers enjoying a win by Ohio State vs Texas (24-7).

Thank you to the brothers of Alpha Rho Lambda for allowing Bro. Tillman the opportunity to share his vision.

(first picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Robert "Bo" Chilton, president of Alpha Rho Lambda.

(third picture; l to r) Bro. Jonathan Clancy, Bro. Daylon Prichett, Bro. Marcus Mattox, (Omicron Rho - president), Bro. Richard Dwyer, and Bro. Mark Randall Reid.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Bro. Tillman attends Labor Day Breakfast in Chicago, IL

Bro. Tillman attended the Xi Lambda Chapter and the Xi Lambda Educational Foundation, Inc. 51st Annual Labor Day Breakfast on September 4, 2006. The theme for this year’s breakfast was “Continuing Onward and Upward in XL-ence.” There were over 600 participants and Bro. Darryl Peal, Midwestern Regional Vice President, delivered the keynote address. Bro. Tillman also invited Chicagoland area college brothers for whom it was their first time attending the breakfast.

(first picture; l to r) Bro. Tillman, Bro. Darryl A. Peal - Vice President, Bro. Ibriham Fetuga (Mu Mu Lambda), and Bro. Demetrius Davis, president Pi Sigma (Aurora University).

(second picture; l to r) Bro. Brandon Webber, president Nu Rho (DePaul University/Illinois Institue of Technology), Bro. Rashod Johnson, Breakfast Chairman, Bro. Tillman, and Bro. Demetrius Davis.

(third picture; l to r) Members of Alpha Mu (Northwestern University). Bro. Craig Carter, president, Bro. Tillman, Bro. Jason Okonufua, and Bro. Isaiah Andrew.

(fourth picture; l to r) Bro. Joe Malonado (Mu Eta Lambda), Bro. W. Wayman Ward, William Finch Senior Brother Award Recipent, and Bro. Remi Aregbesola, president, Gamma Epsilon (University of Wisconsin - Madison).

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Thank You for your Endorsement Bro. Kenneth Venable (Alpha Rho Lambda)

"As Past Western Region Vice President, I know Bro. Tillman and consider him a brother with high standards and excellent moral character. He will represent Alpha and be a role model for all Brothers to follow. " Bro. Kenneth Venable - 9/2/2006

If you would like to officially endorse Bro. Mark S. Tillman, please click here.