Bro. Tillman fellowships with the brothers of Jefferson City, MO

Bro. Tillman had the opportunity to visit with Bro. Thomas Pawley (past Midwestern Regional Vice President and National Historian) at his home then fellowship with the brothers who were “grill’in and chill’in” at “the hill”.
Unfortunately, the Lincoln University football team lost their game to St. Joseph's College.
(first picture) A display of Alpha's centennial year in brick.
(second picture) Bro. Tillman with Alpha Psi brothers and alumni at "the hill" having a good time.
(third picture) Bro. James McNairy, Jr. takes time to pose before he throws down on the grill.
(fourth picture; l to r) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Waverly Wilson, president of Beta Zeta Lambda, Bro. Thomas Pawley, and Bro. Antaeus Coe, president of Alpha Psi and Asst. District Director of Missouri.
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