Friday, June 30, 2006

Thank You for your Endorsement Bro. Avery Cannon (Beta Lambda)

"We need a definite new vision especially in the financial arena. Mark has a proven plan that will work if allowed to do so. I urge anyone who desires to see our Brother in a position of influence to support Mark and his vision for our beloved fraternity. I whole heartedly endorse Brother Tillman and all that he will bring to Alpha Phi Alpha." Bro. Avery Cannon - 6/30/2006

If you would like to officially endorse Bro. Mark S. Tillman, please click here.

Thank You for your Endorsement Bro. Samuel H. Bullock (Gamma Lambda)

"Our Fraternity is blessed to have men of substance like Mark Tillman who have dedicated their all to the continued advancement of our august organization!" Bro. Samuel H. Bullock - 6/30/2006

If you would like to officially endorse Bro. Mark S. Tillman, please click here.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bro. Tillman attends Delta Gamma Lambda (Cincinnati, OH) Centennial Celebration Gala

Bro. Tillman attended the Delta Gamma Lambda Foundation Centennial Celebration Gala in Cincinnati, OH on June 24, 2006. Bro. Andra Ward was the masters of ceremonies and Bro. Cedric Newberry, chapter president (top picture) provided the remarks. Brothers who were 25 year+ and 50 Year+ (bottom picture) were honored by the chapter.

The Honorable Bro. Tyrone Yates, Ohio State Representative - 23rd District, (third picture) was the featured speaker. The Delta Gamma Lambda Foundation provided eight scholarships to deserving young men. In fact, two past scholarship recipients eventually became Delta Gamma Lambda chapter presidents, Bro. Mryon Brown and Bro. Jeremy K. Smith, president-elect (second picture).

Alpha brothers in attendance from the region were Bro. Darryl A. Peal, Midwestern Regional Vice President and his wife, Dr. Regina Peal, Bro. Chad Simmons, Illinois District Director, Bro. Demond Means, past Wisconsin District Director, and Bro. Terrence Stuart, West Virginia District Director. In addition, other attendees included Greek letter organizations who gave greetings.

The night was topped off by dancing to the music of Mike Wade & Standard Time.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Bro. Tillman attends Eta Tau Lambda (Akron, OH) Alpha Phi Alpha Homes Dedication

Bro. Mark Tillman (bottom picture with Bro. Eufrancia Lash, president-elect Eta Tau Lambda and Bro. Dr. Willis Lonzer, president Eta Tau Lambda) attended the grand opening and building dedication of the corporate headquarters of Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, Inc., the building foundation of Eta Tau Lambda chapter (Akron, OH). The dedication was held on June 23, 2006. Bro. James R. Williams, 25th General President and Chairman Emeritus of Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, was the masters of ceremonies.

Dignitaries and community leaders from around Akron and the fraternity were in attendance. The headquarters (top picture) is located on 662 Wolf Ledges Parkway in Akron, OH. It has offices and a main seating area for programs to be held. There's a "social" area (second picture) where Eta Tau Lambda plans to hold its meetings. There's also the Honorable Judge James R. Williams Library (third picture) dedicated to our 25th General President.

The 32nd General President, Bro. Darryl R. Matthews, Sr. and the current Midwestern Regional Vice President, Bro. Darryl A. Peal, provided remarks and a proclamation to the headquarters. (forth picture - l to r, Bro. John Williams, National Parlimentarian, Bro. James R. Williams, Bro. Darryl Matthews, Bro. Darryl Peal, Bro. Dr. Willis Lonzer, chapter president, Bro. Dr. Sylvester Small, chairman - Alpha Phi Alpha Homes).

Also in attendance were Bro. Thomas Tatum, Ohio District Director and National Director of Housing Activities for Alpha Phi Alpha, Bro. Chad Simmons, Illinois District Director, and Bro. Demond Means, past Wisconsin District Director.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Bro. Tillman visits with Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter (Cleveland, OH)

Bro. Tillman addressed the brothers of Delta Alpha Lambda chapter (Cleveland, OH) at their chapter meeting on June 16, 2006. Also in attendance were brothers from Pi chapter (Cleveland State University). We thank Bro. Samuel Dickerson, president (top picture with Bro. Tillman) and Delta Alpha Lambda for the opportunity for Bro. Tillman to communicate his vision.

(bottom picture) Bro. Tillman is also pictured with Bro. William Young, the chapter's sergeant-at-arms. Bro. Roy L. Manley, past Midwestern Regional Vice President, was also in attendance.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Thank You for your Endorsement Bro. Nadir J. Akbar (Epsilon Eta)

"It is without hesitation that I endorse Brother Tillman as the next Midwest Regional Vice President. He is the type of leader that the fraternity needs not only the Midwestern Region. He continues to provide the type of support and mentoring that brothers needs and college brothers in Michigan are in full support of you. I am sure, other brothers, both college and alumni, share the same enthusiasm that I do in knowing sound servant leadership, vision, integrity, and selflessness will be in the next Midwest Regional Vice President Bro. Mark S. Tillman." Bro. Nadir J. Akbar - 6/16/2006

If you would like to officially endorse Bro. Mark S. Tillman, please click here.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bro. Tillman visits with Xi Lambda Chapter (Chicago, IL)

Bro. Tillman addressed the brothers of Xi Lambda chapter (Chicago, IL) at their chapter meeting on June 10, 2006. We thank Bro. Keith Garrett, president (top picture with Bro. Tillman) and Xi Lambda for the opportunity for Bro. Tillman to communicate his vision.

(bottom picture)
Bro. Tillman is conversing with Bro. Auggerreto Battiste.

Bro. Tillman visits with Alpha Xi Lambda Chapter (Toledo, OH)

Bro. Tillman addressed the brothers of Alpha Xi Lambda chapter (Toledo, OH) on June 10, 2006. We thank Bro. Joe Conley, president (top picture with Bro. Tillman) and Alpha Xi Lambda for the opportunity for Bro. Tillman to communicate his vision. (middle picture - l to r) Bro. Tillman is conversing with Bro. Andre Page, Bro. Conley, Bro. Martino Harmon, Bro. Alan Crawford - Epsilon, and Bro. William Washington - Epsilon Upsilon Lambda.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bro. Tillman attends Kappa Delta Lambda (Lansing, MI) Black and Gold Scholarship Ball

Bro. Mark Tillman attended the Black and Gold Scholarship Ball of Kappa Delta Lambda chapter (Lansing, MI) on June 3, 2006. Kappa Delta Lambda's president, Bro. Lee Richardson, (top picture with Bro. Tillman) enthusiastically welcomed the brothers and their guests for their yearly event that raises funds for scholarships. The event also was forum to raise awareness and funds for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. In addition, our own Midwestern Regional Vice President,

Bro. Darryl A. Peal (middle picture with Bro. Tillman and Bro. Washington) addressed the attendees, which included the 24th Supreme Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Eva L. Evans (bottom picture with Bro. Tillman) and the Michigan District Director Bro. William Washington. The night was topped off by dancing and activities to provide lasting memories.