Saturday, October 14, 2006

Bro. Tillman visits with Xi Epsilon Lambda Chapter (Columbia, MO)

Bro. Tillman addressed the brothers of Xi Epsilon Lambda chapter (Columbia, MO) at their chapter meeting on October 14, 2006. We thank Bro. James Langley, president (third picture with Bro. Tillman) and Xi Epsilon Lambda for the opportunity for Bro. Tillman to communicate his vision. A special thanks to Bro. Langley for opening his home for fellowship.

(second picture, l to r) Bro. Tillman, Bro. Farouk Aregbe, Bro. Vaughn Sanders, Bro. Clarence Wine, Bro. Robert Weems, Bro. James Langley, Bro. David Goode-Cross, and in the center, Bro. Marshall Green. Not pictured Bro. Michael Bland.


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