Friday, June 16, 2006

Thank You for your Endorsement Bro. Nadir J. Akbar (Epsilon Eta)

"It is without hesitation that I endorse Brother Tillman as the next Midwest Regional Vice President. He is the type of leader that the fraternity needs not only the Midwestern Region. He continues to provide the type of support and mentoring that brothers needs and college brothers in Michigan are in full support of you. I am sure, other brothers, both college and alumni, share the same enthusiasm that I do in knowing sound servant leadership, vision, integrity, and selflessness will be in the next Midwest Regional Vice President Bro. Mark S. Tillman." Bro. Nadir J. Akbar - 6/16/2006

If you would like to officially endorse Bro. Mark S. Tillman, please click here.


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