Bro. Tillman attends Kappa Delta Lambda (Lansing, MI) Black and Gold Scholarship Ball

Bro. Mark Tillman attended the Black and Gold Scholarship Ball of Kappa Delta Lambda chapter (Lansing, MI) on June 3, 2006. Kappa Delta Lambda's president, Bro. Lee Richardson, (top picture with Bro. Tillman) enthusiastically welcomed the brothers and their guests for their yearly event that raises funds for scholarships. The event also was forum to raise awareness and funds for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. In addition, our own Midwestern Regional Vice President,
Bro. Darryl A. Peal (middle picture with Bro. Tillman and Bro. Washington) addressed the attendees, which included the 24th Supreme Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Eva L. Evans (bottom picture with Bro. Tillman) and the Michigan District Director Bro. William Washington. The night was topped off by dancing and activities to provide lasting memories.
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