Saturday, August 26, 2006

Bro. Tillman fellowships with brothers of the Kansas District (Part II)

After the business of Alpha was over, Bro. Tillman had the opportunity to fellowship with brothers.

(first picture; l to r) Bro. Tillman with brothers of Delta Mu chapter (Wichita State University); Bro. Aaron Carter and Bro. Charles McConnell, president.

(second picture; l to r) Bro. Tillman with brothers of Upsilon chapter (University of Kansas); Bro. Steven Witherspoon, Bro. Eric Iheme, Bro. Clayton Holmes, Bro. Serrgio Wilson, Bro. R.J. Landers, Bro. William Clayton, president.

(third picture; l to r) Bro. Tillman with brothers of Kappa Tau chapter (Kansas State University); Bro. Bryon Williams - Asst. Distirct Director of Kansas, Bro. Bryan Anderson, Bro. Deron Davis, Bro. Johnathan Scott, Bro. Damien Banks, Bro. Patrick Agwu)

(fourth picture; l to r) Bro. Tillman with brothers of Beta Lambda (Kansas City, MO) chapter who particiated in the activites of the day.; Bro. Thomas Phillips and Bro. Terence Goree, president.

(fifth picture) Bro. Tillman with the president of Eta Beta Lambda (Wichita, KS), Bro. Otey Moss.

Bro. Tillman participates in service projects with the brothers of the Kansas District (Part I)

Bro. Tillman participated in a series of service projects hosted by the Kansas district on August 26, 2006. With the leadership of the Bro. Douglass Smith, District Director, (first picture, far right) brothers of Kansas walked in the Kansas Black Expo parade, executing "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People" national program. Bro. Tillman was able to sign a few voters himself (third picture with Bro. Brandon Clark) . An encouraing sign was that most parade viewers were registered. The district also executed Project Alpha for local high school students (fourth and fifth pictures).

Also pictured (first picture, far left) is Bro. Frank Smith, immediate past District Director and president of Delta Eta Lambda (Topeka, KS).

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bro. Tillman attends Mu Eta Lambda (Madision, WI) Alpha Cruise

Bro. Tillman and his wife, Velicia (second picture), attended the Alpha Cruise on Lake Monona hosted by Mu Eta Lambda chapter of Madision, WI on August 19, 2006. After the cruise, there was a "nightcap" reception for fellowship (fifth picture). Brothers, wives, and special friends enjoyed the tour.

(second picture, l to r) Bro. Tillman poses with chapter presidents; Bro. Joshua Cotillier, Mu Eta Lambda, Bro. Remi Aregbesola, Gamma Epsilon, and Bro. Reginald Johnson - president-elect - Delta Chi Lambda.

(fourth picture) Bro. Tillman haves fun with the brothers from Gamma Epsilon, Bro. Reggie Cribbs and Bro. Remi Aregbesola, after the cruise.

Bro Tillman visits with brothers of the Wisconsin District

Bro. Tillman addessed the brothers of Zeta Iota (Uni. of Wisconsin - Whitewater), Mu Eta Lambda (Madison, WI), and Delta Chi Lambda (Milwaukee, WI) at a candidate's forum hosted in Milwaukee (first picture). Attendees of the meeting included leadership of the midwestern region (second picture; l to r, Bro. Al Smith - District Director of Wisconsin, Bro. Nadir Akbar - Asst. District Director of Michigan, and Bro. Kevin Newell - Asst. District Director of Wisconsin).

Also in attendance were Bro. Gerald Hyler, president of Delta Chi Lambda and Bro. Demond Means, immediate past District Director of Wisconsin.

Bro. Tillman also enjoyed the hospitality and fellowship of the Wisconsin district as we celebrated the 9th anniversary of Bro. Al Smith's line, into Alpha by way of Zeta Iota. (third picture)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bro. Tillman attends Eta Nu Lambda (Grand Rapids, MI) Scholarship Golf Scramble

Bro. Tillman, pictured with Bro. Jerome Drain, president of Eta Nu Lambda, attended the 7th Annual Alpha Phi Alpha Schlarship Golf Outing benefitting the Plummer, Letts, Parks Scholarship Fund. The golf scrambe was held on August12, 2006.

Bro. Tillman is pictured with (from l to r) Bro. Lionel Barnes, Bro. Drain, and Bro. Oliver Wilson.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Thank You for your Endorsement Bro. James Brogdon (Gamma Lambda)

"I am proud to endorse Bro. Tillman for the office of Mid-Western Regional Vice President. I have no doubt that he will be a most outstanding leader in that office. " Bro. James Brogdon - 8/9/2006

If you would like to officially endorse Bro. Mark S. Tillman, please click here.