Bro. Tillman attends Mu Eta Lambda (Madision, WI) Alpha Cruise

Bro. Tillman and his wife, Velicia (second picture), attended the Alpha Cruise on Lake Monona hosted by Mu Eta Lambda chapter of Madision, WI on August 19, 2006. After the cruise, there was a "nightcap" reception for fellowship (fifth picture). Brothers, wives, and special friends enjoyed the tour.
(second picture, l to r) Bro. Tillman poses with chapter presidents; Bro. Joshua Cotillier, Mu Eta Lambda, Bro. Remi Aregbesola, Gamma Epsilon, and Bro. Reginald Johnson - president-elect - Delta Chi Lambda.
(fourth picture) Bro. Tillman haves fun with the brothers from Gamma Epsilon, Bro. Reggie Cribbs and Bro. Remi Aregbesola, after the cruise.
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