A highlight of the Centennial Convention for Bro. Tillman was when he met Bro. Fred H. Woodruff who wrote,
To Be An Alpha Man. At the 1999 Michigan District Conference, Bro. Tillman opened his address to the assembled brothers by reading this beloved poem.
To Be An Alpha Man, By Fred H. WoodruffTo be an Alphaman means more than just to wear a pin,
I requires intrinsic qualities that are developed deep within,
It calls for lasting brotherhood, a word sometimes used in vain,
It means an honest devotion, not anticipation of personal gain.
Fraternity speaks of brotherly love, that's something to achieve,
It's more than just a grip of the hands, it's an ideal to convieve.
You're proud to be an Alpha, and share her praises won,
Before you inflate yourself with pride, ask yourself, honestly,
"how much have I done?"To realize the wealth of personal satisfaction, from knowing you've given your all,
To have helped her cause unfalteringly, when you rally to her call.
To combine all these qualities, and root them deep within,
The product would be an Alphaman, deservng of his pin.
So take an honest inventory of your character within,
And for every virtue you find missing, try and weave it in.
For a man without these virtues isn't worth a grain of sand.
It's plain to see, it's more than just a pin, that makes an