Thursday, July 27, 2006

Bro Tillman visits with brothers from the Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Districts in Washington, D.C.

During the Centennial Convention, Bro. Tillman had the opportunity to discuss his vision with brothers of the Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, and Wisconsin districts.

We appreciate the brothers from the following chapters who took the time during the convention to participate in the session;

Iota Lambda (Indianapolis, IN)
Alpha Pi (University of Louisville)
Epsilon Chi (University of Kentucky)
Alpha Lambda (Louisville, KY)
Mu Chapter (University of Minnesota)
Gamma Epsilon (University of Wisconsin – Madison)

Brothers in attendance included, Bro. William Lindsey, president of Iota Lambda chapter, Bro. Cecil Brookins, president of Alpha Lambda chapter, Bro. Ed Goins, District Director of Wisconsin, Bro. Terrence Jordon, president of Mu chapter, Bro. Remi Aregbesola, president of Gamma Epsilon chapter.


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