Bro. Tillman visits with Alpha Lambda Chapter (Louisville, KY)

Bro. Tillman visited with the brothers of the "first" alumni chapter, Alpha Lambda, on January 12, 2007. Bro. Tillman shared his vision with the brothers at their chapter meeting. We thank Bro. John Mark Eberhardt and the brothers of Alpha Lambda for the opportunity to share the Alpha Investment plan.
(first picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. John Mark Eberhardt, chapter president.
(second picture) Bro. Tillman addressing the brothers of Alpha Lambda.
(third picture) Bro. Tillman with brothers Michael Odetunde (l) and Bro. Ron Jackson (r).
(fourth picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Carlos Frazier, Mu Eta Lambda (Madison, WI), Bro. Jason Waller, chapter prsident - Alpha Alpha Chapter (University of Cincinnati), and Bro. Kareem Usher.
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