Bro. Tillman visits with Theta Mu Lambda Chapter (Olympia Fields, IL)

Bro. Tillman visited with the brothers of Theta Mu Lambda on December 16, 2006. Bro. Tillman shared his vision with the brothers of Theta Mu Lambda at their chapter meeting. We thank Bro. Roger Bradley, president, and the brothers of Theta Mu Lambda for the opportunity to share the Alpha Investment plan.
(first picture) Bro. Tillman pictured with Bro. Terry Calhoun, vice president (l) and Bro. Roger Bradley, president (r).
(second picture) Bro. Bryan Bradley with his Outstanding Alumni Brother of the Year Award of Theta Mu Lambda. Bro. Bradley will compete at the midwestern regional convention in Columbus.
(third picture) Bro. Tillman pictured with the General Treasurer, Bro. George Reeves, who is a member of Theta Mu Lambda.
(fourth picture) Bro. Tillman pictured with Bro. Anthony Woods (Mu Alpha Lambda) showing the team great hospitality at his home.
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