Gamma Lambda Chapter (Detroit, MI) Celebrates Alpha's Centennial

Bro. Tillman's home chapter, Gamma Lambda (Detroit, MI), capped off a "spirit-filled" week celebrating Alpha's centinnenal. The celebration began on December 1, 2006 with Gold Rush II at the Museum of African-American History, December 4th with a Centennial Observance at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, and on December 8th, the Grand Centennial Ball. The celebration attracted over 1,000 guests combined.
(second picture) Bro. Tillman with his wife Velicia.
(third picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Alonzo Terry, Gamma Lambda chapter president.
(sixth picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Michael Davis, Epsilon Eta chapter president (Eastern Michigan University).
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