Friday, March 31, 2006

Past Midwestern Regional Vice Presidents Endorse Bro. Tillman

Bro. Ivan L. Cotman, submitted a letter that was included in the souviner journal at the 74th Midwestern Regional Convention (March 30 - April 2, 2006).

The letter proclaimed the endorsement of Bro. Tillman for Midwestern Regional Vice President. Here's the letter in its entirety;

======= LETTER =======

Greetings and Welcome My Brothers of the “MIGHTY” Midwestern Region:

Enjoy your stay and hospitality in the “Motor City” while we celebrate a “Century of Spirit and Brotherhood” and a “Lifetime of Service and Culture.”

Also, JOIN me and my fellow Past Midwestern Regional Vice Presidents listed below.

WE ENDORSE BRO. MARK S. TILLMAN to be the NEXT Midwestern Regional Vice President in 2007.

Past Midwestern Regional Vice Presidents

Bro. Jimmie L. Buford, 1979 – 1983, Beta Lambda, Missouri
Bro. Roy L. Manley, Sr., 1991 – 1995, Delta Alpha Lambda, Ohio
Bro. James B. “Tiny” Blanton III, 1995 – 1999, Xi Lambda, Illinois
Bro. Samuel D. DeShazior, 1999 – 2003, Eta Tau Lambda, Ohio

Respectfully and Fraternally Submitted,

Bro. Ivan Louis Cotman
Past Midwestern Regional Vice President
1983 – 1987, Gamma Lambda, Michigan
Life Member #2102


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