Bro. Tillman attends the Kentucky District Conference

Bro. Tillman attended the Kentucky District Conferece held in Louisville, KY. The conference was held from February 23 - 24, 2007. Bro. Tillman and the Alpha Investment team congratulates Bro. Ed Goins, District Director, Bro. Tadric Robinson, Asst. District Director, and the brothers of Kentucky for their hospitality.
(first picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Ed Goins, District Director.
(second picture) The Kentucky District Leadership with Bro. Darryl Peal, Midwestern Regional Vice President.
(second picture) The Kentucky District Leadership with Bro. Darryl Peal, Midwestern Regional Vice President.
(third picture) Brothers of Epsilon Chi, University of Kentucky, with Bro. Peal.
(fourth picture) Brother Tillman with Bro. Jonathan Johnson, member of Alpha Lambda chapter.
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