Bro. Tillman visits with the brothers of Iowa

Brothers are holding Alpha "high" in Des Moines, IA!!! Bro. Tillman attended the Zeta Kappa Lambda Chapter (Des Moines, IA) Educational Foundation 2007 Black and Gold Ball; "Remembering the Past...Investing in Our Future." The event was held on February 17, 2007 at the Marriott Hotel. Earlier in the week, Zeta Kappa Lambda received a proclamation dedicating February 29, 2007 as Zeta Kappa Lambda Graduate Chapter Day.
Other highlights include, $11,000 in scholarships given to four students. Mrs. Willie Stevenson-Glanton received the 2007 Alpha Award of Merit and Bro. James Hunter received the 2007 Brother of the Year Award. The event was sold out with over 450 attendees. Also in attendence, Bro. Don Butler, Iowa District Director, Bro. Chad Simmons, Illinois District Director and his wife Carol, and Bro. Keith Harris, Nebraska District Director.
(first picture) Brothers of Zeta Kappa Lambda and Omicron Pi (Iowa State University).
(second picture) Bro. Tillman with Bro. Matt Jeter, Zeta Kappa Lambda chapter president.
(third picture) Guests enjoy the Black and Gold Ball.
(fourth picture) 2007 Alpha Award of Merit receipient, Mrs. Willie Stevenson-Glanton with Bro. Phil Hall.
(fifth picture) 2007 Brother of the Year Award receipient and incoming Iowa District Director, Bro. James Hunter.
(sixth picture; l to r) Bro. Terry Frazier and members of Omicron Pi chapter (Iowa State University); Bro. Jonathan Spellman, Bro. Dan Varney, and Bro. Ogewu Agbese, chapter president.
Thank you for your supporting us Iowa bros. Good luck with your all your future endeavors and continue holding up the light of ALpha!
- Stan
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